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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Common Queries

Sagee contains Korean Ginseng extract, Blueberry extract, Grape Seeds extract, Lycium Barbarum extract, and Ginkgo Biloba extract. Sagee Canada offers the latest generation of Sagee products.

Sagee is suitable for anyone looking to enhance their health and quality of life. If you aim to be more agile, healthier, achieve success in your business endeavors, and feel more alive overall, Sagee is the right choice for you!

Sagee is derived from all-natural herbs that are both edible and utilized in traditional Chinese medicine. These herbs are among the safest. However, it’s advisable to take Sagee at least half an hour to one hour apart from the time you take other drugs or medications

Sagee is manufactured in a Canadian government GMP-approved facility. With the experience of more than a hundred thousand people in dozens of countries, Sagee has been proven safe with no reported negative side effects. Its ingredients are all-natural, developed using modern international biological technology, and do not contain any Western medicine, pesticides, caffeine, or hormones. Sagee is safe for extended periods of use.

IQ levels are determined by the number of brain cells: fewer cells result in a lower IQ. Increasing the number of brain cells is essential for elevating IQ and improving memory.

The blood-brain barrier is a structure in the brain’s blood circulation. It prevents direct contact between the endothelial cells of the capillary system and brain neurons, with neuro-gliocytes acting as a barrier. This selective barrier protects the brain from harmful substances like toxins, germs, viruses, and bacteria. If damage has already occurred, the blood-brain barrier makes it challenging for external agents to enter, complicating the treatment of brain diseases. Sagee capsules consist of nano-based small molecules that can permeate this barrier.

  • Permeates the blood-brain barrier
  • All-natural
  • No side effects and non-addictive
  • High-tech formulation

No, there is no dependency on Sagee. You have the freedom to choose when to start or stop taking it.

For optimal results, take Sagee 15 minutes to half an hour before breakfast and 15 minutes to half an hour before dinner. Avoid taking it too late in the evening if you experience difficulty falling asleep.

A complete treatment course comprises 15 bottles. Typically, it takes 2-3 months to observe effects. The first month or two is more about slowing the deterioration process, while the second or third month stabilizes the condition. Signs of improvement become noticeable between the 3rd and 6th months

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